Well folks I thought I would share something with you all. Chehalis Jack fishing early on was OK to good and not many adults. Then this somewhere around the 9th or 10th I encountered substantial numbers of adults moving through tidewater, mostly Coho and a lot of jacks. So being the fishing wizard I am ( not ) I just pulled up stakes and headed back upstream and plowed right into this. From Preachers to somewhere near Friends Landing the river was fish everywhere, jumping. From the 10th to today the river has been a zoo with fish packed into the river. Meanwhile Jack fishing in the skinny water above South Monte went off the charts but still not many adults.

The first couple of days it was mostly Coho ( with just a huge number of jacks ) then the mix added Chinook. The last two days it seems like more Chinook piled in as I simply had encounters go off the map. Today I am around the house and fewer fish jumping but a bunch of Chinook in numbers I have not seen for a bit. I was simply fishing off the dock and hooked several and strangest of all would have two’s three’s and one time four follow my spinner to the dock. I have seen this in Coho but never in Chinook and especially cast after cast.

So my guess as to what is going on, no idea. It appears that the early September adults stayed in the bay until moving up and parking. Coho adults ranged from scales not set and lice to silver and pink bellies right out of the bay! The Coho Jacks are awesome! I mean average 16 to 18 inches with football bellies and damn near obese! The Chinook are in great shape and right down to fat ranging from bronzed and slimed up ( coming out of the bay ? ) These are some healthy fish folks and mean. They are also very early for this number to show. It appears the fish stayed put in the bay for early September and fish normally moving upstream in late September and early October decided to move in mass early but only into tide water below South Monte.

So after the next two weeks East County guys should have one bunch of fish as I have to believe this mob is going to move up.

Little edit: I wrote this mid morning. As the day wore the jumping decreased to say mid October level. Did they move? No idea have to wait for another update.

Edited by Rivrguy (09/15/20 05:04 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in