I always have loved this topic. First off, the laws are the laws. We may not agree with them, but they are still the LAW. No excuse saying "everyone else does it". There's a big difference between someone trying to actually fish and someone just tossing out and yanking on every bump. Yes, they do plant hatchery fish for us to catch. But they can be caught using standard gear. You just need to learn the tick of a rock vs. the tug of a fish. I've lined and snagged fish. But very rarely. If it's hooked outside the mouth, I release it. I'm not greedy and am not there to have to fill my punchcard. I had to do that when I was younger. Now, I fish for the fun of it. But saying the fish are their for us to catch, so catch by any means is crazy if you hook in the mouth. I understand some are uneducated and have no idea. They feel a yank and set back (and you'll see snagged fish or lined fish most of the time).

But, to each their own. It's all a personal thing. Each have their own ethics, and follow them. I'm not going to preach. This is an issue that stirs the pot. Not worth the time slamming guys too hard that line/snag.
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