In principle, on WSR, I agree with CFM.

But his style of arguement is abrasive at best. He frequently relies on underhanded stratgies of arguement not based on facts, but rather inuendo, out of context quoatation, or putting words in anothers mouth. This can be irritating, I know personally, having butted heads with CFM on occasion.

I have disagreed with Bob on this issue repeatedly and on many different facets of the WSR. However, I have made an effort to be respectfull.

CFM has not.

CFM has needed some disciplining for bad behavior on this board for years.

Hopefully he will learn his lesson. I think he can make a vaulable contribution here. Especially where the law and fish are concerned ( CFM knows a lot about state law).

I still agree with CFM on the principle of the WSR issue, but I think Bob was clearly in the right to do what he did. In fact, he may have waited too long before acting.

Just my $0.02
Dig Deep!