I refuse to shop there, employees are paid low wages and the few stores I went in had this funny selection of things. I did not find what I was looking for. The shelves were not well stocked or clean. The place was in chaos maybe because so many people shop there. No customer service. I could not find anyone to help me. Under staffed over worked employees could not keep the shelves stocked. 90% of what they sell in made in China. I wish to support products made in American, farms in America etc. Great business men put this together and yes it is cheap goods from poor countries. It is an amazing success, but the clothes are sub standard and will need to be replaced in a year. That is the whole idea is it not. Keep us buying. I will take quality over quantity anytime. I support livable wages and medical benefits are not given to employees until they have worked there full time for 1 year and the medical benefits are sub-standard & costly to the employee. Many employees are kept at part-time or cut to part-time as soon as they would qualify for medical. This is how the company survives and keeps costs down.

It is the perfect place for people who have shopping addition and they buy many things they don’t need. I did look at the lay out and they are clever with sucking people into specials. One thing they do well is make prices easy to see and instead of 5.99 it is 5.69 or 5.85 which makes a person think it is such a great deal. They use number games very interesting strategy's are used to get you to buy things you don’t want.

I don’t & won’t shop there

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein