its ok Slab, he seems to be doing alright, still not eating, but hes locked in a cage not in his house after what hes been through, im not suprised for now.... he hasnt passed it yet, and it costs another 100 bucks if we dont pick him up before 9am... kinda rude considering we dropped him off at 5pm yesterday, and paid for 2 nights at 160 bucks, but whatever.... i just hope hes ok...

tonight was a good night, but ended up dangerous... i had bought some new mortars, and one blew up in the tube, like all of it at once, now shower, just a HUGE boom, and the bottom plate broke off and hit me in the throat... im good tho...

the Predators were once again off zee chain...

hope you guys had a good 4th, and didnt almost sever your juggular with PVC shrapnel...

thanks guys..

and yes, i tried to take better pics, but my batteries were dead, and i couldnt do what i needed to do with the ISO and such... my bad...