My thought is if the nets are getting the surplus, why not use them to make a better hatchery fish, that when strays, does not help weaken the wild stocks any further, like those from out of basin stock. Those wild fish that mingle with out of basin fish... Are lost fish, and wasted opertimity... Might as well of been bonked, but if they mingle with F1's they still retain an 85% fitness, so all is not lost.

OncyT- I have read some of those finding, and I to believe an in basin hatchery fish, would help to strengthen the wild component when mingling happens. I also understand we are stuck with hatchery fish, so it is our responsibility to make a better, stronger hatchery fish, so when cross breeding happens it will not be as destructive as it currently is. In a perfect world we would not need mans intervention. But that world is long gone