#121237 - 09/12/01 09:52 PM
FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
From the 100+ F III ifish thread: Thanks for the input Jim and Jeff. The Cowlitz was and still is my top choice for Oct. 6th's event. But I would be plenty happy on any one of the 3 rivers; especially the one that is producing best just prior to the event. The only thing that needs to be 'firmed' up is the order of priority of voted river choice, leaving the other 2 as alternates if conditions dictate a late change. No unalterable concrete choice needs to be made. Rather, I would like to have beneficial flexability right up to the Thursday, or even Friday if rain is a significant factor, prior to the Saturday event. But it looks like we need to take a posted vote by participants. ... It has been primariliy Dan S., along with some endorsement of other Oly area 'Sop fishers, that have pulled for this to be on the Satsop River. I don't have a problem with that, even never having fished it for silvers, because it's a renouned trophy silver run - as you concured Jim. But the Cowlitz fits the needs of a larger group of guys best, it is the most centrally located, and it will be loaded with fish. The Oly area 'Sop fishers are good guys and aren't likely to take their ball home and not play if their river isn't voted in. Anyone with a river prefence not voted in can always fish 'their' river on many other days - it's a long fall season. ... Let's get a lot of preference feedback and votes posted soon guys. There are a lot of you going on this. My vote: 1st choice - Cowlitz (slight preference) 2nd choice - *Satsop (a close second, especially if condition prospects are good for that weekend there). 3rd choice - NF Lewis (only if K & J are DQ'd there - just kidding  ) *Note: If the Satsop gets the voted nod, we should have the second place river and meeting place ready in case of a late week drought or rainout. The 2 BBs will provide instant communication for a late change. As for 'appreciation gifts' already pledged (don't call them prizes which may need a permit), Willierower Paul donated a $25 gift certificate for the Kalama River Bait & Tackle Shop, I donated an equal amount $25 gift certificate for STS products, Keith and James donated 5 bottles of their "Ultimate Egg Cure" (a proven fish catcher), and now a guided trip with Jim Bain! More pledged 'gifts' would be welcomed. Just call them 'gifts of appreciation and interstate camraderie' between WA and OR fishers getting together; not derby prizes that would require a permit? I think we had it that the most fish brought in by a boat team wins bragging rights and gifts of appreciation for showing us how to catch them.  If more than one boat comes in with the same 'most fish' total number then a 3 man team would beat a 4 man team. The tie breaker after that, if the same number of fishers brings in the same top number of fish caught, would be by total weight of the catch. I will suggest the winners pick 'appreciation gifts' by order of finish. Get to your keyboards with river votes and feedback guys! RT (Volunteered F III co-ordinator - someone else has to do it for F IV) 
#121238 - 09/12/01 10:04 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 1585
Loc: Gig Harbor, WA , USA
I like the Satsop , but taking everything into consideration, the Satsop can either be too low or way too HIGH and chocolate. So here are my choices. 1. Cowlitz...we all know this river and equality would prevail. 2. Satsop...one of my favorites at the right time. 3. Lewis...I have fished this one the least but could run this one also.
C/R > A good thing > fish all day,into the night! Steve Ng  Dad, think that if I practice hard, they'll let me participate in the SRC ? [Gig Harbor Puget Sound Anglers....Join your local chapter. CCA member
#121239 - 09/12/01 10:17 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
I'm telling you right now, if the weather cooperates, you WILL want to be on the Satsop or Chehalis. I'm not saying that because I'm familiiar with them, but because it's easy water to float and read, you can keep kings AND silvers, and the fish are tough. I don't want to lose out to 12 5-lb. fish, I think we ought to have to WORK to land fish. I agree that put-in should be roughly a uniform time, but you can't dictate how someone is fishing. If somebody wants to blow right through, that's their business. I can catch fish behind people, so if they want to race, let 'em.
The Cow or Lewis will be needed for an alternate, because if the rains don't come, the fish will be mainly in the Chehalis and they might be lockjawed and then I WOULD outfish you Orygunners real bad.
I guess the number of fish is easy enough to count, but I take it the biggest will need to be retained for confirmation.....yes? Are we doing biggest king/biggest silver, or should we just give the prize to Keith when he spanks the kings on his magic eggs? I trust everybody to keep an accurate count, and I think the "test kit" should be saved for a derby somewhere. I think we can trust everybody.
[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: Dan S. ]
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
#121240 - 09/12/01 10:34 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 01/09/00
Posts: 115
Loc: Winnemucca Nv
For myself
1. the Cow. I have fished it for silvers(unsucsessfully)
2the lewis
3 the Sop
Late changes will be a problem for me as i will be on the road thursday. Its a long way from Nevada
Hey how bout a "gift"(wink wink) for the team that travels the farthest from thier homeport. j/k
To fish or not to fish What a stupid question
I fish therefore I am
#121241 - 09/13/01 12:00 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/13/00
Posts: 1830
Loc: Kelso Wa.
RT, a word of caution, I know this a very informal event but I don't think I would be mentioning these "gifts" quite so openly. Sure you call them "gifts" but there are a number of "gifts" mentioned with some decent monetary value, I also would not be suprised if there aren't a few fish cops out there who check this site out from time to time and might have a totally different perspective of the event. You may want to check out the bottom of page 7 of fishing pamphlet. Just a heads up, good luck, wish I could make it.
#121242 - 09/13/01 12:04 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Registered: 01/26/00
Posts: 6312
Loc: Vancouver, WA
Well guys, you know that my answer will be biased. First, you all must know that I want to go to the satsop because I have heard such great things over this board about it, I'd love to have the opportunity to boat a 20+lb silver, plus any kings. But, the cowlitz and lewis are bigger rivers and will be able to handle the pressure, both these rivers have large deep holes where fish won't lock up and will bite all day. The lewis happens to peak around Oct. 10th at least that's what it's been in the past. Some of my biggest days have came from the 10-25th of october. I'm unaware of what the cowlitz runs will be like. I don't beleive that you will be able to retain chinook in the cow though, correct me if I'm wrong. But the issue of driftboats vs. powerboats comes up. It's certainly not fair to fish a big river from a powerboat because you fish much more efficiently. We'd have to perhaps handicap the driftboats on the cow and lewis. Remember the cow and lewis are dam fed and the rainfall, drought or flooding won't affect these rivers. My choices are: 1. Satsop if conditions are right( I want a 20+ silver)
2. Lewis- due to the 80,000 silvers and 17,000 chinook that are returning. (Dan S. During this time of the year is when we get our B run of silvers, with many fish from 12-18 lbs) and there are still plenty of chrome chinook returning at that time.
3. Cowlitz- unless someone can convince me that it has more fish than the lewis.
Other factors, if rainfall is high from here until then, then the lewis and cowlitz will be flowing anywhere from 4-6,000 cfs which will difficult and tiresome for driftboats. Then I'd definately be in favor of the satsop. Keith
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.
#121243 - 09/13/01 12:13 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
Keith, You nailed it. If flows are up, the Satsop/Chehalis is a much more level playing field than the bigger rivers. I think any of the three would be a good choice based on numbers coming back, but the Cow and Lewis aren't able to be effectively fished from a driftboat. In either case, Keith, we're counting on you, James, and your eggs bringing "the cup" to the Washington side. 
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
#121244 - 09/13/01 12:33 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
I have to agree with AkKing, after reading all the threads and post's this seems to fit the catagory of more than six people fishing competitvely for game fish and determining winners. Not trying to rain on your parade just trying to understand. Why the avoidance of a $24 dollar permit. Am I missing something? 
#121245 - 09/13/01 01:03 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Repeat Spawner
Registered: 09/06/00
Posts: 1083
Loc: Shelton
Satsop Lewis Cowlitz Fishhead5
It is not illegal to deplete a fishery by management.
They need to limit Democrats to two terms, one in office, and one in prison.
#121246 - 09/13/01 01:27 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Thanks for the heads up on the permit situation. Is that all a derby permit costs in WA? $24. Cool. Will one of you Washington guys (maybe Dan or Jim or Jeff, or draw straws) look into this and buy a derby permit for WA rivers, and we'll reimburse you for it. Hope their is no other requirements. Let us know. Thanks much. - Steve
#121247 - 09/13/01 01:32 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Registered: 01/26/00
Posts: 6312
Loc: Vancouver, WA
RT, You'd better hit the sack, you've got to get up early and check out what the WA boys are about.. I don't want any I'm tired excuses. See ya at 6:45, I'm out... Keith
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.
#121248 - 09/13/01 01:41 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Yo Keith, I can fish better when I get less than a couple hours of sleep. I know you tender young boys, expecially from Waaasieville, need your rest though.  And your boat has never seen the like of the eggs that will be cast from it tommorrow!  - Steve
#121249 - 09/13/01 01:49 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
I vote for 1.Cowlitz 2.Satsop 3.Lewis
#121250 - 09/13/01 06:45 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Note - From the F III voting thread on ifish: Geeez. Nuf!  I was fine with the 'Sop until I got e-mails whinning for the Cow. And then came Jim Bain's post(after a reported "discussion with Jeff Whitehead"), esposing the advantages of the Cow and that he could make reservations for pizza near there. His first sentence in his 4th paragraph, "So, obviously the Cowlitz is my number one choice". Hmmm. Then Jim turns around here and votes for the 'Sop. Good one. haha Then more waaaaa from Dan. Then we get totally lame sheeyat from the peanut gallery - just make that the peanut - from Port Angeles.  I've got a new idea ..... ..... Since the F II was in Oregon and co-ordinated by an Oregon guy (Paul/Willierower), this Washington based F III should have been co-ordinated all along by a Washington guy or guys. You dudes know what's best up there! I turn this over to you guys Dan and Jim, and whoever else wants to help ya. We will likely just show up on the river of our host's choice for us. Look into a permit if there are going to be prizes. Keep us posted. Thanks guys. Whew. That was wosre than being a moderator! And now some guy has a hard on here. What next.  ... Relief. RT
#121251 - 09/13/01 10:47 AM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Registered: 05/09/00
Posts: 915
Loc: Osprey Acres /Olympja
My vote Satsop Duhh!we need rain
Cowlitz then N.F.Lewis the problen with these 2 is that we floaters  are at a total disadvantage on these 2 larger rivers,the jet Monkeys will kick our b****,should be interesting at the weigh-in for the cowlitz considering all the fish will be the same size  looks like we'll have to wait till the last minute,and a few of us will be scrambling for rides on sleds....I hope not,but I'm not too excited about dodgeing jet sleds all day....Pizza sounds good  ......Os
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]
#121252 - 09/13/01 12:44 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
The Chosen One
Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Personally, I don't like this idea of weigh-in's and gifts/prizes. Like I said, I have enough fish already. I don't and won't be killing any more then I'll eat that day on the BBQ. Not too sure how you'll weigh my Monster Fish from a digital camera pic. How about we go on a weight formula rule? That way, we can release fish and not just waste them because of the "I want to be cool" factor of Floatilla III. Next, I think there's way too many boats for the Satsop. The first few drift boats down will get some fish, but after the 30th drift boat has gone past, fish will be far and few between. I guess my three choices would be: Satsop Cow NF Lewis (I'm calling "shotgun" on Keith's sled!  )
T.K. Paker
#121253 - 09/13/01 01:35 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
We're not after steelhead here. If the water is good, there won't be anybody without good water to find fish in. It will just be another day on the Satsop for fall salmon. The southerners want to go after those little rat-fish, I'd rather target some kings and silvers with substance.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
#121254 - 09/13/01 02:11 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
I vote the Satsop as its the first river I ever rowed a driftboat down! Caught my first winter run that trip also. Even hit the old cement block near the highway takeout. Next I dont care! Ill head for the Penn if it goes to a big river. But I will donate one of the trickest leader holders anyones ever made. Both the functionality and appearance are light years above the rest. All precisson cut on a laser and drawn by me in a 3-d modeling program. Powder coated blk or wht and ajustable tension on the rollers. If it goes to a big river Ill get it too someone on the board who is gonna go!
Bob D
#121255 - 09/13/01 04:23 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Returning Adult
Registered: 12/06/99
Posts: 419
Loc: Seattle
Well, Beings how I don`t have a boat for the rivers and can`t seem to find an open seat, I vote for the river with the best bank access. I`m really not familiar with those rivers down south except for the Cowlitz. So my vote goes to.......... The river with the best access....
Teach your kids, Ever wonder why Noah didn`t just slap them 2 mosquitos????
#121256 - 09/13/01 05:17 PM
Re: FLOATILLA III - River choice vote here
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
Raincity I have a extra 16 foot Clackacraft ready to fish laying around needing to be used! If you wanna use it you tow it down and back. Its at B Grays house in Seattle off I-90. I think you've met him at Outdoor Emporium. Let me know? Wildrelease@hotmail.com or use my email on my profile if its mid week.
Bob D.
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