this from holiday sport shop newsletter
Final Notice
This is your one and final notice. On Tuesday Sept 24th the Samish River access from the Bayview Edison Bridge to the Farm-to-Market Bridge, on both sides of the river will be closed to fisherman access.
The property owners have experienced a large amount of garbage dumping not only in the parking areas, but also along the river. People are driving ATV's on the property and on the dikes. We have always let fisherman use OUR property, but this year you went too far. The straw that broke the camel's back was last Sunday when Austin Breckenridge's Black Lab " Jake" was taken while the family was out of town. Austin is 14 years old, he has raised and trained the dog since he was 9. Jake is Austin's first dog, he loves and misses him greatly. Every time Austin went hunting Jake was with him, he went everywhere with Austin. Sometime on Sunday Jake slipped his collar and went up to the river, (on our properties)he was seen by many, many fisherman. One of the last places he was seen was the "Meat Hole" sitting next to?? One of you fisherman took Austin's dog. We know the majority , 99% of you are good sportsman and understand the importance to getting the dog back. We hope whoever took the dog understands also. If not, they are going to screw it up for ALL OF YOU.
YOU HAVE UNTIL TUESDAY THE 24TH TO RETURN THE DOG. No questions asked, no trouble. If not, starting Wednesday the 25th access will be by written permission only from a landowner. So please if anybody has any information about Jake, whom you saw him with last or where he is.please call 360 766-6479, 360 961-0668, or 360 941-3334. We don't want to shut it all down. It's all in your hands as to what happens on the 25th.
The Samish River Property Owners
Thanks for looking at this. They say they just got info that the dog was stolen. They seem like good people and its a kids dog.
As for the slob fishermen...pick up your trash. I know preaching to the choir.
I am also "Coho" at if you have info that you can't post here.
Thanks again! Go rip some lips.