If you've never done that drift before, you won't find anything too tricky at all, except perhaps for pretty high water if the rain holds.
A couple notes...
Don't be tempted to launch and paddle up a few yards to fish the really good looking run at the boat launch, as fishing from a floating device upstream from the launch is against the regulations.
I'd also say that 75% of the fish caught in that drift are caught in the first quarter mile from the boat launch down to the big turn to the left. The spots themselves are pretty obvious, so take you're time fishing them. They're by far the best you'll see in that drift. The entire drift is pretty short, so there's no issue of having enough time to fish the rest of it.
If the water's anywhere from normal flows to lower than that, the only spot to know about if you've never done the drift is about half a mile down from the first big bend to the left...the water will be ripping along the left side near some rip rap, but that's where you'll want to go. If you stay to the easier looking right side, you'll end up dragging even a pontoon boat.
Lastly, don't forget to hit the tailout of the long dead water water just above the mouth of the raging, just below the takeout. After being fishless for the day, then paddling for a while to get through the frog water to get to the takeout, many a fish has saved the day right there below the launch.
Good luck, post a report if you go!
Fish on...
Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle