Originally Posted By: Salmo g.

The way I read it, the court incorporated Heller, but remanded the main issues regarding the 17 year old back to the lower court, appeals or superior, I forget. They indicated that the kid's lawyer didn't satisfactorily address why the 2nd A vindicated his possession, since they were clear that even the Bill of Rights is not absolute, yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, etc.

I think the decision is good for WA because it establishes the right to bear as individual, apart from organized militia. I expect this will be pivotal over time.


I believe you are correct.

That was how I read it also. The 17 y/o and his possession of a FA isn't necessarily excluded as the RCW's provide some specific exclusions. Shooting sports, etc

The incorporation was a good consequence of the action.....the orginal complaint was remanded to the COA.
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