Guess i can't really let the Indian thing go without one last thought. For all our liberalism, I for one, who has spent time on reservations, has to wonder. Are our liberal laws and ways of thinking best for Indians? I mean first allowing them their fishin rights and tax free crap and casinos, basically allowing them sovereign nation status but giving them money and "special rights". I mean drive thru Tulalip or Taholah look at what the hell is happening. For the number of indians there are, one hell of a high percentage live in squallor.
They can have their treaty rights and anything else they want (cept my or my neighbors land) for all I care but kiss my ass if that is going to blind me from the reality of the native ghetto. (I aint sayin all just an inordinant percentage). It is liberal thinkers that created the cycle of the welfare state and that is all we are doing with the indians as far as I can see. I dont know what they do with the money they make off fishin but it sure as hell aint into haulin out junk cars and buyin paint, oh i forgot the Government has to paint their houses cuz our great grandfathers took their land, oops. Yeah that is pride I forgot. You liberals need to give them more money and rights, sure has helped them up to now, idiot enablers. C