The Outdoor Gear Classifieds
Sold my boat and have these rods spare. I have 3 Lamiglass 9 ft XCF 2 pc Rods, In my opinion the best downrigger rod ever. $150 EA or best offer P/M me if interested Im in Canada 5 minutes from Blaine WA
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Whidbey beaches are loaded with the stuff. Found some nice specimens out there while fishing. Do you hunt agate at all rich? Ive had that fever the last few years.
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Had Jade Fever for a while after I found a large piece behind my house last year.. Actually found a good size piece yesterday at work,, about 80 lbs or so.. I'm on the NE Olypen,, so the chunks must have floated over on the glaciers from the North
Northwest Fishing Board
Northwest Fishing Board
https://youtu.be/aUx75pKMmKk?si=5U1ABHK27Mq00Avf Sadly, this one won't add to the gene pool.... Seems either the tape measure or math if off a tad. Or both.
Northwest Fishing Board
NEWS RELEASE Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Feb. 4, 2025 Contact: Bryce Blumenthal, 360-249-4628, ext. 232 Media contact: Mark Yuasa, 360-902-2262 WDFW approves seven days of coastal razor clam digs beginning Feb. 8; more digs plann
Northwest Fishing Board
Although I have occasionally successful I have found that most game animals are safest when in front of me in clear view. As a kid, I shot at everything that was legal as when I first went pheasant hunting I was too young to need a duck stamp or an
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
The Snow Mexicans did it !
Northwest Fishing Board
“ As for alternatives, I've always been a big fan of C&R bird hunting. It's either that or golf.“ Easy for you to say, as the birds have never had to fear your wing shooting skills. Pull !