Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Illegal immigrants? Send them home.. Transgenders? Don't ask don't tell... I doubt I would actually do it,, By 2026 I don't think we will even have two parties anymore... I chose Democrat because the current democratic party wont even exist by t
Northwest Fishing Board
Best Open Seat/ Spring Steelhead offer on the Net hands down ! Possibly, only bested by an open seat with one of the local hatchery broodstocking gangs - maybe ! Oh so tempting......
Northwest Fishing Board
Some new clam dates are posted. WDFW approves nine days of coastal razor clam digs beginning March 26; more digs planned through May 15 OLYMPIA – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) shellfish managers confirmed nine days of razor cla
Northwest Fishing Board
Did not realize Green received so many pinks.
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Its coming but not time yet... We are still playing out this movie,, I don't know when it ends... One thing I do know is none of the problems can be fixed using a totally corrupted system to fix a totally corrupted system... We are going under
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Odin is lots of things.. Its real purpose is a new internet platform/communications using existing short wave radio frequency,, Starlink as an amplifier/repeater system that links all the devices under Odin... M.A.R.S is the existing frequency/phon
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
I love you too Parker... Thanks for keeping this thing running... Who is or is not a "Nut Job"? I think the facts are speaking for themselves... My ways are certainly not textbook but they do indeed work... You got to throw in
Northwest Fishing Board
I would like the mods to check and see if Salmo and Rich are actually posting from the same IP.
Community Announcements
Rumors have that Bob may even upgrade the board with brand NEW software in April!
Northwest Fishing Board
It is good to see PP back up and running, thanks Bob. While PP was down WDFW had the Grays Harbor / Willapa preseason forecast ZOOM meeting. It looks to be similiar to last years forecast and the Chum forecast is way up at 151,131 for GH. Coho is
Northwest Fishing Board
this project is a huge scam... Bottomless money laundering/theft pit...
Is There Life Beyond Fishing?
Gold/SILVER making their move,, getting into optical position for the transition... NCSWIC