Don't forget about the Willapa FU! Ron Warren had his fingers all over that, as he does so many of the back door deals. Frankly, with all the recent and blatant mis-management we've seen from the Commission, I don't think we can trust them any longer. Like I've said before. Something is smelling really bad here. They promised to be transparent in their decisions, yet the exact opposite is taking place. Hell, they have people who are running around cutting deals who aren't even employees of WDFW, on the Commission or in some cases, even on an advisory board!

God knows what is being agreed to in the Tribal/WDFW North of Falcon Meetings. All the Public input NOF meetings are window dressing. They meet with the Tribes and cut the CR-101 and CR-102 before even briefing what was decided in the damn meetings. Dysfunctional sham is a perfect description!

If the Tribes dip a freaking net in that river when it's closed due to no harvestable fish, there better be a cry from the public so loud it shakes the foundation of the capitol building.
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)