Hey Evo - What's with the photo of the Iraqi Dinar note and the chicken scratches on the paper? Did you go there when Saddam was in power (Gulf War 1) and bring back some of their currency? I guess I'm stoopid and not scholarly as I'm not catching the hint/reference. Unlike you, I'm not smartz enough to use the googles and look it up. My copy and paste skillz are weak.

I do have a quran and some Uzbekistan soms at home. If I post photos of those, does that mean I be smartz and edumacated too? Oh, I've been to Uzbekistan and brought the the currency home with me. Didn't get it from a relative or the internet. I was in Kyrgyzstan too but I don't recall what their currency was, nor did I bring any home with me. I do recall the god damn rug-rat kids kept trying to steal the watch off of my wrist. I caught some kid trying to slip my watch off at the local bizarre, so I grabbed his wrist (hard), looked him in his terrified eyes, and in my best and loud "Merican Voice" told him to "Knock it the fvck off." Kid started screaming like a stuck pig which drew the attention of the adults. When the adults showed up and they found out this kid was trying to steal off of the Americans, the adults took him away, and started beating the wholly Allah out of him. Oddly enough, I was left alone by the local kids for the rest of the day. Fun times!
T.K. Paker