I'll re-ask the question that you failed to answer above, what do YOU do to change the dynamic of what is going on? Nothing if you only run your mouth on line. As far as insults and being a hypocrite I never said I don't insult people on line. I just say you are a gutless wonder for not going to meetings and then throwing insults at people you don't agree with on line. It's easy when you don't have to look them in the eye. I try only to use insults in retaliation or when other folks are expressing their opinion and someone like you doesn't like their answer and starts to get all snotty like a school -yard jerk-off. Get some volume of meaningful posts like the people you run down first. I can't hold a candle to the collective knowledge of the posters you choose to insult. You should post on the dark side, you'll fit right in. Bob R