Wow! Very well stated. I would hope that you could find a way to email your comments to each legislators. My situation is near identical to yours except in a different geographic location: Chehalis basin and O.P.

South Sound crabbing was allowed to be fished out by sports and poorly regulated treaty fishery. Hood Canal once had six weeks of shrimping, now only a few days. Deschutes was open to sport fishing on 100 percent hatchery Chinook, now all returnees are sold as surplus. Queets River should support a population of thirty thousand winter steelhead. Now it struggles to meet a stupidly low escapement number that WDFW and the Quinault Nation can't agree on. The Clearwater suffers right along with the Queets. The Hoh? Similar deal. Ocean salmon were once a three fish limit and open from April through October. McAllister Hatchery is now closed and along with it Percival Cove net pens, so winter blackmouth is almost non-existent. WDFW sold the best South Sound hardshell beach to Taylor Shellfish. WDFW can't do what's right about Wynoochee mitigation, or follow their own Willapa policy.

Whew! I still dig razor clams.