To be more specific, Sol Dunce is clearly one of the bootlickers...Nick, you are not, though you do have an annoying habit of getting your "news" on Breitbart, which is extraordinary fake news...makes Fox blush.

You aren't, either, Streamer.

My comments were aimed at the massive butthurt from the bootlickers on Facebook who were calling for Pelosi's head...based on fake news...and wondering how they were doing with Graham et al's heads, based on actual news.

I bet they are good with holding up $3T in funding to make sure a few people who make minimum wage don't quit their jobs to gather in that extra $20/day for a few months.

They're the same kind of asswipes that think giving poorer people smaller checks is a good idea...I mean, they're fuckin poor. [Bleeeeep!]'em. If they needed more money they wouldn't be so poor.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle