Originally Posted By: WDFW X 1 = 0

What makes you Fucktards happy?

Outside of missing out on fishing and hunting both right now...and don't get me wrong, that's missing out on a LOT...outside of almost all of my work happening from my home office instead of either of my actual offices, about 75% of my life looks a lot like it did before Pandemicageddon kicked in, so whatever was making me happy before this is still making me happy wink

A lot more meals and happy hours taking place in my house and yard than spread around the area, but I suspect I am saving a couple hundred bucks a week that way...though I buy delivery from local restaurants twice a week as a replacement for going there, and every little bit helps them right now.

I think that one of the biggest changes when this is over will be the amount of restaurants that are gone...they live on a pretty tight margin.

I haven't bought all of my fishing and hunting licenses yet, even though they expired 13 days ago...not exactly boycotting, but there's nothing open to hunt or fish for right now, so I haven't felt particularly motivated.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle