The usual path for the GOP to navigate Trump doing something astronomically against the interests of the US went from zero to hero in just a couple of days this time.

1. Reports came out that Trump was told, verbally and in writing, that Russia was paying Taliban for dead US soldiers.

2. Trump Admin claimed the story was...shockingly...a hoax.

3. Trump Admin admitted it was true that it was happening, but that no one told Trump.

4. Trump Admin admitted that they told Trump, but he didn't read it.

5. Trump Admin admitted that he did read it, and was told, but didn't believe it.

6. Trump Admin admitted that it is true, but Trump did nothing about it.

7. Trump Admin said it's not a big deal.

8. Trump Admin blamed it on Obama.

Steps 3 thru 8 all came in one press conference this morning with Mike Pompeo.

That pile of steaming schit will just be gobbled down by the ballwashers again...because they don't support the troops, or American, or American interests...they, like the Trump GOP, support Trump. Period.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle