Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: Jason Beezuz
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
And when they survive it? Wishing them a speedy recovery!

Some true colors have shown through in this thread. Some sick [Bleeeeep!] in this crew.


Plllllleeeeaaasse. The President is the sickest [Bleeeeep!] of them all.

Uh huh....

When has he wished death to anyone? This thread just screams Trump Deranged Syndrome to the MAX....


Your Trump guzzler status is showing, I just did a review of this thread, I saw absolutely nobody wishing he would die. I saw a lack of empathy for him, that is far different than wishing death. Stop being such a snowflake...
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.