unfortunately, it seems they only want to enforce the ones that bring in revenue. I was pulled over twice for no seat belt within 100 feet of pulling out of my driveway. Call about an on going crime and no one comes. Last one was a guy assaulting his girlfriend. I ran out an confronted the guy while my wife called it in. He stopped but kept following her and yelling, so I ended up following them down the street for 15 minutes until he calmed down and she told me that it was ok to leave. The sheriff never did come or call us back. 100% normal for what I have experienced. They only come about if there are multiple calls and even then sporadically. Forget about property crimes, it just isn't going to happen. We had a body dump a few years ago, less than a block away. I drive by the location several times a day. I found out about it a few months later, because they didn't even canvas the neighborhood or ask around to see if we had seen anything. We are close to the freeway and a mass killer pulled off and dumped the body on a fairly busy street. It is very likely someone, even me, would have passed his car, but since they didn't let anyone know, none of us were aware anything happened. The guy killed quite a few more before finally being caught.
Stories like this are what "defunding the department" should fix...stop sending cops to do social work, stop sending cops to fine or arrest people for victimless "crimes", and stop arming them like para-military armies.
Give them the space and resources to stop, investigate, and solve actual crimes. That's their job, not the rest.
Fish on...