Originally Posted By: NickD90
All of Sleepy Joe's sycophant ball gurglers are obviously OK with sniffing underage pizza and hotdogs from their Egyptian, Luciferian pyramid temples. These racist idiots, that continually choose to vote against their own interests, will cheer him and his fascist buddies on once they listen to the "settled science" and force a nation wide mask mandate & national lockdown. FACISTS! They'll eat it up as they hang from his old man commie balls. Never mind that he has scrambled eggs for brains and continually lies....they lick it up as gospel and then ask for seconds like the good little useful idiots they truly are. They don't care as long as they get to own the Repubs. Biden is obviously controlled by Burisma, Russia and Putin as well as the commie Chicoms & Xi.

225K dead Americans from COVID-19 are all his fault. RESIST and INPEACHES 46!

(am I doing this right?)


Right out of the book of Todd....

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.