Originally Posted By: Smalma

Maybe the most interesting aspect of this discussion is that it seems that many anglers (PSA and others) and many of he tribal leadership are basically say that ESA recovery efforts will not be successful enough to support fishing and hatchery fish are essential. While I can see where they are coming from not sure that in the ESA arena the feds can hop on that train.


That was exactly my point above...removing the HSRG doesn't remove the ESA, and the ESA doesn't give twoshits about fishing or fisheries, and won't allow for extirpation of local stocks and increased stocking of hatchery fish.

Without either the God Squad coming in and saying it's ok to cause the extinction of local stocks in order to have a fishery, or the Feds changing the definition of what an ESU is in order to let fish go extinct in the Cowlitz while the LCR fish are still listed, all this does is remove a tool to comply with the ESA.

Fish on...


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