I'm right with you about releasing Wild Steelhead. Unfortunately, according to the reg's, it's legal to keep 1 wild fish per day, in the Quileute system, up to a max of 10 per year. So the less informed (or caring) will do so.
If there is a single bit of good to be done by the WSC or anyone else for that matter this year, it would be to get that reg changed.
So far I havent kept a single fish this season. Everything I've caught has been un-marked.
I spoke with a couple of fish cops yesterday, and they told me it was legal to keep unmarked fish in the Cowlitz, even. That's not the way I read it.
Any comments or opinions?
And yes, it is real discouraging, but I'm not ready to give it up. I wont go to warm water fishing, and my golf game sucks.