OH MY GOD, you agree with me Stormin?!?! (Hope I didn't offend any of you religious types)

I will gladly trade 7 hours of driving there and back for a chance at catching a salmon every 15 minutes or so for hours on end. I go to fish, so the drive isn't that much of a sacrifice for me. On my last two trips there never was a lull in the fishing with the exception of 1 half hour time period without a bite. I would gladly do that drive 6 times a season and catch over 150 fish, rather than making six trips where I might catch 1 or 2 fish per trip (puget sound).

Westport is just too much water for my 18 footer, plus the bar, raaaalllllllph. It's only 50 miles away, but that will have to wait, until I get my new 22 footer. smile

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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