I dunno what to think. The mount in Soldotna doesn't look that big. The fish is just massive across the shoulders. I've seen much longer chinook, but not nearly as buff across the back. I've seen mounts that were just huge, but were only in the 80's.

I'm not even going to play hypocrite here. If that were me, I probably would have had it mounted and took the fame (and crap) that goes with a World Record chinook. Hey, at least I'm honest!

As for genes? Have a specialist extract a sample of the gametes. Freeze those little wrigglers. Pull out of the freezer in 100 years and rebuild/enhance the Skeena kings. No problem! They do it with humans, so I don't see why it can't be done with world record fish. I'm sure it's just a cost issue as of now.

Tule King Paker