Otis...my bad for jumpin down ur throat..I apologize...Some times a have a short fuse on this BB...trust me I've put my time in walking zillions of miles on the rivers with no results...I guess I'd classify my self as an intemediate fisherman and could use all the help I can get.

ltlCLEO... I hear you...I have a real good idea of where to go too, but I'm just a double check, triple check type of guy...it never hurts to ask and usually I get lucky...Thinking back on all my favorite spots to fish, I bet 90% of them were given to me by just being friendly to people and sharing information..I'll be fishin the Sol Duc and Calwalah for the next few months or so, (free time permitting..I just opened a real esate biz) and if u wanna be turned on to some big natives perhaps we can hookup...later...JK<<<<shakes his head in disbelief of the cool people on this BB...and pisses on the heads of the rest!
Engage your brain before you throw your mouth in gear!