The day the now infamous emu caper (hopin' I wouldn't bring that up eh RT?!?!? eek ) started!!! Fishin' for summer steelies in the morning and 18 holes in the afternoon, what a great combination!!! That was a beautiful mid-week July day. We played Newaukim Valley that day, it is pretty wide open but a nice course. The Ft. Lewis course is a great layout and it is now open to the public but I'm not sure what would be decent close fishin' that time of year. Never played Lewis River, that would be a good middle ground for the Oreo's and Wassie's to meet up at. If we did this in the summer I think either the Lewis or the Cow for fish and either Lewis River or Newaukum in Chehalis or Riverside in Centraila would be good choices for golf. Fishin' in the morn and the loud cry of "Oh s**t....FORE!!! in the afternoon would be a blast. Sounds like a great day, count me in. My Ping's also collected a lot of dust last year and I had made a promise to myself to play more this summer.
Good luck and tight lines, Jeff laugh laugh