What card?....j/k,
Yes.... the fish was punched before my cast, I just did'nt tell the whole story otherwise it would sound like:

I got the fish on the bank, as he flopped in the dirt, the sunshine reflected off the beautifully glistening scales in the midday summer sun...........etc, etc, etc.

Good point though, told a friend of mine he should punch his fish while sturgeon fishin friday,on our way back in, the day before he said: "I have not seen a game warden here in 12 years".Yep you guessed it we got to the doc...guess who is there! looks even more suspicious, as we circle back around while he "tries" to mark wet out pen don't with a 75 dollar warning!!
BTW...always carry a felt pen wink , they work when it is raining, or a good thing to have "2" pens..

Woodsy Wayne