
No arms folded sitting in judgement here. DEFINITELY NOT all-knowing. We went through this battle about 3 or 4 months ago over WT and their lawsuits on all 3 BB's. EVERYONE that participated, did so in a passionate manner. Some excellent insight and knowledge was exchanged as well, but just like every hot-button issue seems to do, it deteriorated into a series of personal attacks and general mayhem that IMHO negated most of the positive aspects of the "discussion".

I do not recall ever stating that you knew nothing about fisheries issues, and I wasn't blasting you for stating your opinion, just the manner in which it was presented. IMHO, if you wish to initiate good debate over these issues, starting out in an inflammatory manner is not the best way to accomplish this.

Wouldn't you agree that to truly understand an issue it is best to hear from all sides? It is much easier to form an educated opinion when all of the data is present. When these discussions degrade into name-calling b!tch fests, and the free exchange of ideas and opinions is quashed, one more time IMHO, it is the sportfishing community who is ultimately the loser.
A day late and a dollar short...