
I have several realtives active military now and they say things have never been better. They explain it like this . The bitiching you do hear now is the same stuff that goes on even in times of peace. Only now you have a lineral and the media with with a camera or a microphone looking to take advantage of it. When the war I Iraq is over things the liberals and the press will have no use for them so the bitoching will fall on deaf ears. In the next year all the Dems will be all over how bad Bush treats the Mil. Go back and recycle all the old articles from when Clinton was president that the right used agasint Gore. Take out Clinton/Gore and put in Bush Cheney and save a lot of work. You people keep falling for it so they keep selling it. Supply and demand. Same thing happens in the real world. Boeing just had a record year an watch all the biotchers crawl out of the woodwork about how they are over worked and underpaid yada yada yada. People, liberals specifically, are as predictable as the horses in my pasture. They do the same thing at the same time every day.
Liberalism is a mental illness!