some would say that without food and shelter-you have nothing......

the truth is that the cubans enjoy a higher standard of living than any other latino country with a capitalist system....

they do have freedom of expression...... just like here, they do not have freedom to talk about overthrowing the government...most of the people in jail were implicated in terrorist activities or trying to overthrow the govt..

they elect new leaders all the time and fidel has nowhere near the power to appoint people to positions that our president does.....

dont expect a capitalist revolution when fidel dies, he is not the president of the country, he is a figure head, and the cuban people never want to return to american and mafia control of their country. they never want 5% of the country to control 90% of the country like here in america........

the country has problems, but if you go and visit, you will understand the difference between reality and american propaganda
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau