Salmo G,

Thanks for you professional input here. Very good and worthy information. Maybe there is some way of gathering data and statisics on a single case river regarding the difference between poaching mortality and strict C&R regs?.... Just with an isolated or single sample the WDFW might want to patrol heavily for a few years on a closed stream particular body of water that has already proven itself to be a "poachers dream". Then, they could cross-reference and compare these findings with known or estimated mortality rates from other rivers/streams that have C&R. In fact, they may even be able to gather this data from the same body of water if it's one of the streams that the WDFW manages in some years as a C&R wild steelhead and others as "closed waters"? -Just an idea....They probably wouldn't have the funding or time to do a sample test like this.....It may be better performed on a smaller good steelhead stream that poachers have frequented or be known to have fished in the past. -A ton easier to patrol I'm sure....
Good Fishing, Darin
Darin B. "Arms of Steelie"

"There are two sides to every coin, but yet in still they are the same"
"Courtesy and deference are the oil of society. Be yourself since anonymity breeds obnoxiousness."