I have been away for a couple of days fishing the Sound for cutts and it was good. Now I return to the real world and the talking heads stations are a buzz with news of war. Should have never come back from fishing.

I feel that what is about to happen has to be for one reason and one reason only. If the bantered around fact that Sadam has murdered 1.5 Million Men, Women, and Children is true, this and this alone, requires his disposal. All of the rest of the excuses are just talking points.

The mistake Bush made was to try and sell this country and the world the wrong reason to go after him. We can contain him if we wanted to. We can certainly keep him from attacking us if we had to. But we can not justify the wholesale slaughter of his people as he and he alone has their blood on his hands.

I do not often agree with Bush and on this subject, I do not agree with his reasoning. I am not a Demo or a Repub I am truely an independent. I know innocent people will die, theirs and ours, but there is a greater good to be served here. I am sure if we could have taken him out with a team, we would have done so by now.

Everyday our freedoms are being compromised in the name of protecting our freedoms. Those who cause this instability in my freedoms, either real or perceived, must be stopped. I will not have a wildman in Iraq cause me to have to submitt to personal scrutiny when I want to jump on a plane and fly inside my own country. This is B.S. All of his nature, must be terminated

If we were to pile 1.5 millon dead bodies in France, Germany, Russia, or New York City for the antiwar factions to step over, do you really think there would be the outcry for no war? How about at your house, how would you feel then.

All I can say is let's get it done, once and for all. Let us pray that only a few will die and that the few will be Sadam and his thugs. I know that deaths will occure. Those who are ours, are heroes, at least to me, and those who are innocent bystanders will be the last blood on Sadam's hands. He could have avoided all of this and he alone took the stand not to do so.

If you are against this war think of your mothers, your fathers, sisters, brothers, your neighbors, hell everyone in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area, all dead, at the hands of one man. What sign will you carry now!

Anyone who has someone going to war over there, I want you to know, you and your loveones are true heroes and I bow to your presence.