
I just gotta chime in. (I can see you shakin' yer head from here wink )

ONE STINKIN' DAY! Ya got 364 others to bonk your limit, ya can't just voluntarily C&R 1 day? beathead

Hell, if you hate the idea so much, don't fish that day!

The commercials are extremely limited in the amount of days they can legally fish Washington waters. Sporties can legally fish some body of water somewhere in the state 365 days a year! Ain't that enough for you?

I'm pretty sure that the Cowlitz is one of those bodies of water that NEVER closes!

Think of it kinda like the"Great American smokeout." To raise awareness of the dangers of smoking, the American Cancer Society asks that you voluntarily give it up for one day a year!

There's NO conspiracy here. WDFW is trying to raise awareness about a fisheries management technique that, due to declining fish populations and increasing human populations using the resource, will some day probably be the only game in town if you want to go fishing! wink
A day late and a dollar short...