Originally posted by Wooley worm:
[QB] This nation is not in a sorry state due to Clinton or any of the Democrats. It is in a sorry state due to Georgie and the Republicans.
Hmm, the economy is in the state it's in due to idiots inflating the tech industry when there was no money to be made. I could point out that this was under Clinton's watch, but that really doesn't matter. What the Clinton Administration is guilty of is Enron like bookkeeping for the budget.

The "surplus" was a combination of two things. One of them was creative accounting. The other was revenue "projections". The little idiot bean counters sitting up in Washington sat down and said "We're bringing in this much money now and our growth rate is 6%, so when deciding how much money we have we're gonna assume this unnatural and unsustainable 6% growth rate is going to keep going" which is simply stupid.

Then the ****ing tech companies crash because theres no real reason they should have been valued that highly considering they were losing money faster than they could print new stock shares to sell.

There was no "surplus" and there sure as hell wasn't a balanced budget. They were borrowing on money that had not and would not come in. So all those great times during the "good ol days" before your number one arch enemy GWB came into office were a FARCE.

None of the Republicans are even remotely electable due to their stupid interests. And remember, Georgie did not win the election, Gore did. And Georgie stole it.
Right, and the democrats have no loyalties to special interest groups. rolleyes Democrats never gave China nuclear weapons information in exchange for campaign donations, right? Would you care to explain how Bush stole the election. We have an Electoral College that decides the president. If, perhaps, you were unaware of it prior to 2000, blame it on ignorance. Show me how Gore won the electoral vote. Use facts and proof, not opinions and hearsay. The facts are that Gore wanted to disqualify military ballots, it was Gore who took the issue to court, not Bush.

Georgie wants to trash our national forests for his buddies, trashed Iraq and A***anistan for his buddies, and wants to trash America for his buddies. If you can't see that, you need glasses.
Could you show me one statement by Bush or anyone in his administration where he even implies he wants to destroy our national forests? He did not trash Iraq or Afghanistan for his "buddies". Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden. You probably don't remember this, but on September 11, 2001, a terrorist group called Al'Queida who is led by that Osama Bin Laden attacked our country. More people died from that than were killed at Pearl Harbor. The group that led Afghanistan was called the Taliban. We tried to negotiate with them to hand Bin Laden over to us (remember, that the government of Sudan offered us Bin Laden, but Clinton turned it down) but they wouldn't comply so we attacked.

As for Iraq. All the points have been made. We know Saddam had WMDs and since nothing can just cease to exist, we know they're still out there.