Ok I have an Idea that might change your perspective on the law change. With a very good suggestion I think everybody here could agree with.

Lets say there are only four rivers that this new reg effects. Those four rivers have been putting out enough fish to have more fish return then what was needed to support the run, those are harvestable fish. Now the sportfishermen have been denied the privilage to those harvestable fish. Therfore the tribes can petition the state for those fish and the state cannot deny that petition because it is a fact that those rivers have harvestable wild steelhead. Those harvestable wild steelhead now become part of the tribes qouta. It doesnt matter how they are caught, the fact that they are dead is what matters. This is why I am so against this law that takes the privilage of non tribal members to keep harvestable wild steelhead away. We have gained absolutely nothing. We have done absolutely nothing to save wild steelhead with this law. Its a big FARCE.

The biggest thing we can do to save wild steelhead right now is to update the scientific data to reflect a higher number of returning fish is needed to support the runs. This will in effect lower statistically the numbers of harvestable fish. The tribes cannot petition the state successfully for fish needed to meet escapement. This would cause a statewide mandatory catch and release season I would agree with.
