I also like the moon dudes concept of too many fish in the river. Look at some of the rivers in Alaska, you know the ones, you can walk across the stream on the backs of the salmon and never touch the spawning beds with your boots. Poor fish, nowhere to spawn. GIVE ME A BREAK!! Nature will take care of how many fish can spawn successfully in a river and it is more than what any of our rivers have seen in a long long time. I can tell you exactly what the tribes are going to do. They are going to net until the resource is nearly gone and then when they aren't making any more money then they will start looking for answers and greater federal assistance to fill their nets again. Only then when they have exhausted their and OUR resource will they start looking at conservative options to save a species and bring populations back up in hopes of someday harvesting again. I am afraid that the wild native steelhead is headed for near extinction in many river systems and it won't take long. A shorter period of time than setting new guidlines that are agreed upon and then finally acted on by the greedy and the ignorant. To set the record straight, I fish with some tribal members (who use rod and reel and actually practice C&R) and they are absolutely disgusted at other members of their own tribes' decisions to harvest steelhead with nets. In fact, they told me that it really pi$$es them off. I wish all tribal members felt as they do but the fact is that most tribal members feel we took their land so it is their reserved right to take the fish but just wait and see, when the fish run out and their revenue gone, then and only then will things start to look "favorable", relatively speaking that is, for the fish. I just hope it won't be too late.
Born to fish...Forced to work.