TBR NEWS- September 20, 2004

The Voice of the White House

In previous issues, we carried comments from a reporter assigned to
the White House press corps. Some of these remarks, most especially
one about Bush's physical and mental problems, drew an enormous number
of viewers and hundreds of inquiries, most especially from foreign
press entities. The reporter advised us by email that there was
rampant fury in the White House and security was becoming very tight.
As a result of this, he decided to lay low for a few weeks and see how
the wind was blowing. Yesterday, he sent us the following material
which we are now posting. Some of it is outrageous in the extreme but
to date, no one has proven him wrong.

September 19, 2004: "This afternoon, while schmoozing a minor aide, I
saw a copy of a Pentagon memo concerning the forthcoming draft. I
could not copy this and it took me about twenty minutes, in brief
segments, to read it through. The White House and the Pentagon have
worked out a plan to call up all reservists and National Guard units
if and when Bush is reelected. The moment that the election results
are poured in concrete, orders, now drawn up and waiting, will be
issued throughout the United States. I am not speaking of a few units
but all US Guard and Reserve units. On the same subject, the pending
Universal Draft is also a done deal. Everything is place awaiting the
President's signature. This is planned for June of 2005 and contains
some real shockers. Women will be called up as well as men. There will
be absolutely no deferments of any kind permitted. Persons with
medical problems such as diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, chronic
asthma, physical deformities such as a club foot or hunch back, vision
problems, etc. will be called up! If a draftee has a medical problem
but can move around, they are subject to the draft but will be
assigned to non-military positions such as clerk-typists, maintenance
positions and so on. There will be absolutely no deferments for
someone with a family to support or who is enrolled in any kind of a
school. Students may be permitted to complete their semester and will
then be compelled to report at once to their nearest enlistment
center. For example, as I read it, an 18 year old girl with two
children and no husband to support her will be subject to the draft.
There was a discussion about what to do with the children and if the
family cannot raise them during the draftee's tour of duty, then some
kind of Federal Child Care center will have to suffice. The nominal
ages covered are from 18 through 26 but a special exception is now in
the orders for anyone with what the Army calls "technical skills" such
as proficiency in computers, foreign language skills and so on. These
poor jerks are subject to the draft until they are 35! Again, no
deferments will be allowed unless the subject is already working for a
government agency and is certified by his superiors as "vital" to
whatever "war effort" the Army deems important. These orders, note,
came from the desk of George W. Bush to Rumsfeld but Bush will cite a
vague"national crisis" to cover his useless ass. The top brass at the
Pentagon are having fits about this. Why? Because for decades they
have been downsizing, closing bases and so on. I have been told by
Pentagon people that they would have no place to put the anticipated
great flood of draftees if and when the draft is activated. One said
to me, "Where the **** do these dimbulbs expect us to house them? In
local hotels?"

Comment: Because the subject of a universal draft is Bush's political
Achilles Heel, the Administration and various governmental agencies
have gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal it from the public.
Nevertheless, anyone with a computer and basic skills can locate
information on the upcoming draft by looking at dozens of official
government sites. Admittedly, these sites are so buried in the
official underbrush as to be difficult to locate, nevertheless, they
are there. We have included an anti-draft article in this posting. If
America's cannon fodder do not want end up dead or mangled for life,
it would be to their advantage to read these sites, organize and in
November, vote en bloc against the man who would cheerfully dump them
into the Imperial sausage grinder. Because Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld
all went to great pains to avoid any kind of military service during
the Vietnamese war, their present macho militancy stinks and shines
like a dead mackerel in the moonlight.

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein