
Your view treats the symptom not the cause. Bush's view treats the cause. Much like you head in the sand environmentalism treat minor symptons. Chasing Osama around the caves of Afghan and Pakistan should not be the number one priority. Changing a system that breeds Osama's is the number one priority. Just like weeding the garden, you can pick one weed at a time year after year or understand and change the environment so that they do not prosper and eventually pick only a few .

"We, as the American taxpayer and military forces will have to clean up his mess for years to come."

Who has always picked up the tab? The US. Who is the primary target of Islamo facisicst ? The rest of the world is like a cheap friend. they pay when you go out for burgers but when it's time to pony up for a steak they forget thier wallet.
Liberalism is a mental illness!