It is not hard to know when someone is using a bible passage out of context. As is the case in this thread. It has nothing to do with a different belief system. It either is or is not in context. If someone post "thou shalt not kill" they need to undersand what the generally accepted meaning of the word kill is in the context of the bible by any definiton( Jewish, catholic, luthern ,morman etc). Once they do then they would have to ascribe to that meaning in all biblical context . That would preclude supporting abortion among a few other beliefs. So if the posters truely believe in the biblical maning of "thou shalt not kill" they need to be anti abortion or they are hypocrits at face value.

As a very good example look this one up
"Judge not, lest ye be judged" you use it out of context and do not understand the biblical meaning of this passage. Otherwise you would not have posted it.
Liberalism is a mental illness!