
We're not trying to get Iraqis to sing 'God Bless America'.

If representative government, free speach and free markets take root and blossom in Iraq so that anyone who works hard and applies themselves has a chance to prosper--that's what will win hearts and minds. That's also what has the best chance at spreading through out the rest of the Middle East.

When I made the distinction between innocent Iraqis dying at the hands of Americans vs. Islamo-facists (accidentally vs. intentually)--I wasn't commenting how the deaths were interpeted by muslims and Arabs outside of Iraq--I was referencing how I've heard the way their citizens of Iraq (the one who will ultimately have to defeat the insugent terrorists) are interpeted the cause of their deaths.

The Sunni leaders in Iraq have just agreed to sign on to the new Iraqi Constitutuon~these are the people (the Sunnis) who are believed to have helped hide and aid the insurgents terrorists. Their signing on to the Constitution is a huge step towards stabilizing Iraq and if they don't continue to help the insurgents (who have killing their own people) then they'll be easier to negate.

I can't believe the 'main-stream enlightened media' isn't giving much coverage to all the progress that's being made in Iraq--how Americans even know they're about to radify a historical Constitution in Iraq?
"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid