Originally posted by Todd:
Just got off the phone with WDFW, and here are the "official" numbers, so far:

Projected Tribal Take:
1955 wild fish, 2010 hatchery fish, 3905 total

Take to date:
1552 wild fish, 2372 hatchery fish, 3924 total

While the Quinaults are exceeding expectations with catch rate, they have not yet hit the projected wild fish harvest...the Chehalis and tribs will not close early, and the season extension (two weeks of WSR, hatchery fish retention) is still on the table.
The "co-managers" got more than their projected take, but will keep fishing till they kill as many wild steelhead as they are allowed???

Wow, I feel secure knowing these "co-managers" care so much about this resource. :rolleyes: