seastrike i understand your views and i don't really care much about the hole report thing. Being you are a new member to this board i wouldn't expect you to know how this board was say 5-6 years ago. Now days theres only a few rivers that have been getting good fish returns and those are the rivers that are getting all the pressure. you know as well as i do that it only takes one guy to spill the beans to the wrong person and before the next weekend arrives the whole town knows about the good fishing. Honestly all the talk about the Skykomish, and the last few years haven't been all that good at least for me and all the guys i talk to and the few reports that come across this bb. in all the years i have been a member of this board i can say i don't think i have seen an increase in fishing preasure do to a report on this site. rather i would attribute it to the lack of fish returning to the rivers. you find the most preasure were the most fish are returning because you have the best chance of catching fish there. i can also say i have never packed up an ran to a river just from a report on this board. I fish the same rivers years after year after year for both summer and winter. i fish these rivers because i know them. not because of some report. and the people that do just go to a river because of a report usually don't catch anything because they don't know how to fish that river or were to fish.