Step one, open two internet explorer windows, one for your post, another for the photos. This works best for me.

Once you have the image loaded, right click on the photo and select properties, highlight the website address for the photo and copy it, then switch over to the page where you are creating a message.

Above the dialogue box where you type you'll see a world with a paperclip, an envelope, and a JPG symbol in red boxes, plus a few others for "bold, Italics, etc". Click on the JPG symbol and a separate box wil open, and this is where you paste the web address that you highlighted earlier.

You could also paste the web address of the photo, and in front type " [img] " and behind it type " [/img] ' without any spaces between, and no quote marks (').
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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