Does he prefer the Stamissionary position?

If we go to war with Stam and he looses an arm or a leg, does that make him a Stamputee?

Uh, oh...Kid Sauk's on a roll........better call the Stamilitary!!!

Yale, Princeton, or Stamford?

Is IStambul the capital of Turkey?

Turn up the volume, I can really push these speakers cuz I gots a 1000 watt Stamplifier!!!

Stammed if you do......Stammed if you don't!


Yeah, that's Stamoney right there, folks!

Edited by Kid Sauk (02/14/08 03:35 PM)
Edit Reason: PuRe PWNAGE!!!!
Got Mingo?

My name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd.....