Hitler is considered one of the best orators of all time – yep a weak little man that spoke the words of change. Good speaker maybe but Hitler never spoke with power

Are you serious? They guy is considered to be THE best orator of all time, despite being a Genocidal Despot. He could speak overtop of a noisy, crowded public square without a PA system AND get everyone within a block to STFU and listen. If that's not power then maybe you should enlighten us to what is.

I like how you equate Obama & Hitler and accuse Obama of treason in the same breath. You really had to reach deep for that one. I wasn't really big on Obama to begin with, but when I see how he frightens the Racist Rednecks (AKA Angry White Men) it makes me like him even more. Voting based on Gender or skin color has to be the most unintelligent thing I've ever heard of. Not voting for Obama because his daddy was black is just as stupid as voting for Hillary because of the notion that a uterus will give her the magical ability to do a better job, or voting for McCain despite his involvement in the S&L scandal.

It's kinda like Gay Marriage, at first I thought it absurd and I was opposed to it, but the more I saw how it made the bigoted and ignorant piss their little panties, the more I came to support it. Besides, its none our business if a couple of fruits want to play Ozzie & Harriet together as long as they play by the same legal & taxation rules as my wife & I.