Today, the House of Representatives, in committee voted to hold onto the ban on oil drilling within the 50- 200 mile limit. Democrats voted no. Republicans voted yes.
A Pennsylvania Congressman told Jim Cramer of Mad Money, that the cost of natural gas for Dow Chemical to run there plants in the US has risen from 32 million dollars per year, to 32 million dollars per qtr. They are now 65 percent of operations are overseas, where the cost of natural gas is cheaper. The US is paying the highest price for natural gas. Other companies will follow suit and move operations off shore to control the cost of natural gas.

Meanwhile they talk about weaning the US off of foreign oil.
Meanwhile the US imports 67% of the oil used here.
Meanwhile Americans are driving to Mexico for gas under 3.00 per gallon, which keeps demand artificially high.
Mexico, China and other countries are subsidizing the true cost of gasoline.
(note to those who want subsidized health care) The cost is shifted somewhere else.
Mexico is our #2 source of oil. Canada #1 Venezuela # 3 (who is arguing with Exxon)
Meanwhile Cuba is drilling 45 miles off the coast of florida.
Canada is drilling in Lake Erie.
Its only going to get worse. Figures are each amercian used 25 barrels of oil per year. China residents and India use about 2 barrels of oil per year.
The market is betting on more expensive natural gas the rest of this year and next.
Wind, solar etc make up 1% of the energy needs. Govt wants to subsidize wind power and send you the bill.

You dont have to join anything to write to your congressman or woman.

Its your paycheck against the environmental lobby. American companies will be drilling in the ocean, in front of a foreign nation and they wont own the oil.

Your on the menu. Environmental groups are in control of some politicians.