Originally Posted By: fishmaster
Sorry guys, no jealousy here. Did you notice the 5x5 bull in my avatar? That came from my Toutle tag last year! I just don't understand the logic of putting in for a hunt and then expecting someone else to tell you were to go and how to get there? I have never hunted either area until I got drawn last year but have spent many a weekends in and around both the units, and I live in Lynnwood. Just reading your post would give someone the idea you don't even no were the unit it. Looking for access points??? There are only so many ways into this unit! I would venture to say that most people that put for a permit hunt already have a good idea of all the things you were looking for info on.

Just like thousands of others on this site have said before go for a drive do some scouting. That goes for fishing or hunting. If you already know the area than the best thing to do is spend every weekend up there scouting. That's what I did, and I would say I know both the Margret and Toutle area very well. Don't expect someone to tell you right were to go.

Sorry I'm not trying to be an ass. I hope you get a giant!!

I do have a question... So before you put in for an out of state tag, do you drive down and scout the area before you put in for that unit? Example: Given: You want to hunt elk in Arizona. First, You take off 3 weeks to drive down and start scouting the units. Then, you put in for the unit and hope to get drawn. Is that the correct process that you execute?

Edited by TheHunt (08/28/08 02:08 PM)